Official Classification of this Property is Hotel with no rating.
Due to the typology and the level of services offered, compares the property to a Guest house Hotel.

Guest House

Locanda La Corte

Castello, 6342 30122 Venezia (VE) Italy

Area: Castello

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Book online or call +39 041 8624040

  •  Back to the hotel
  • 4.4/55

    Very good

    "There were a lot of services offered with the reservation, but if you don`t ask, then you ..."

Rating by guest type

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  • Legend
  • 1pt = bad
  • 2pt = average
  • 3pt = above average
  • 4pt = good
  • 5pt = excellent

Overall Hotel rating

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Balance between web presentation and reality

  • 4.6Property pictures
  • 3.4Room pictures
  • 4.2Available services
  • 4.6Distance from the centre and the main tourist attractions
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