Adebola Arowele Str.,Off College B/Stp, 11 234 LAGOS (07) Nigeria
Area: --
Book online or call +39 041 8624040
This cosy hotel is set in Lagos. Dekings Hotel features a total of 26 rooms. This hotel was lastly renovated in 2014. Dekings Hotel offers Wi-Fi internet connection in communal areas. This hotel offers a 24-hour reception service, so that guests' needs will be fully met at any time of the day or night. Dekings Hotel has wheelchair-accessible common areas. The car park may be useful to those arriving by car. Dekings Hotel features a variety of dining experiences. Some services may be payable.
2020-05-15 - 2022-06-30: Due to the pandemic, many accommodation and service providers may implement processes and policies to help protect the safety of all of us. This may result in the unavailability or changes in certain services and amenities that are normally available from them. More info here
Year of most recent renovation: 2014
Number of floors (main building): 2
Single rooms: 10
Double rooms: 14
Family rooms: 3